I am currently equipped with chronic pain in several areas of the shell I now reside in. It's basically non-stop but does change in type, frequency, area and degree.
Chronic pain wears one out. Medications, herbs and potions can not overcome the need to sleep and sleep often. Prior to the super heat of summer I was blessed with two periods of sleep per day giving me in effect two days in each actual 24 hour period. Ahhh but add in the heat with extra pain and life becomes a series of a couple hours up a few hours down. My loving wife also has chronic pain and goes through the same, often we pass like ships in the night-one getting up, the other going down.
Ahhh precious night, when the pain is least and there is mild relief from the heat. It's hard to accomplish many task in the dark, neighbors worry about those who brush hog and mow in the wee hours and results are less than perfect. Target shooting at 2 AM is difficult and tends to worry and upset those around you. Most stores are closed but you don't have to fight crowds in those that are open and the occasional drive up window in fast food places make sure we don't starve-choices are somewhat limited.
Television at this time of night is not for the faint hearted. Pretty soon you realize that one exercise machine is just like another, baldness cures, make up products and miracle skin cream all start sounding the same and movies that sucked 40 years ago still suck today. But left to our own devices and blessed with the internet night is wonderful-
One becomes a giant barometer and can sense pressure changes hundreds of miles away. Some of the most painful days are some of the nicest.